Fitness Starts in the Kitchen

Exercise is important. I’m always talking about getting our bodies moving! But when it comes to losing weight and reclaiming our health, we need to start in the kitchen.

I tried to skip this step back when I first started this journey and it was like being on a Merry-Go-Round. I’d lose a few pounds then gain it back, sometimes more sometimes less, but I could never make any headway. When I started working on my nutrition and getting that in check was when  I started making REAL PROGRESS.

You can’t skip this.

If you want to start but are unsure, here’s a simple list to get you going. These steps will go a LONG WAY in getting you moving in the right direction.

  • 1. Add more fruits and veggies
  •        -Yes, we’re adding food, not taking away. Get rid of a restrictive mentality. Put more veggies on your plate!
  • 2.  Increase your protein intake
  •        -Think lean proteins, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.
  • 3. Start cooking at home more often
  •        -Eating out is just fine, but the more we can eat at home the more control we have over ingredients and how our food is prepared.
  • 4. Drink more water
  •       -Always. Just drink more water. Try to replace some sugary drinks with water
  • 5. Re-think your snacks
  •       -Think of replacing chips with popcorn, fresh fruit instead of sugary packaged snacks.
  • 6. Add more fiber to your diet
  •      -Adding more fruits and veggies will go a long way here.
  • 7. Choose healthy fats
  •       -Olive oil, avocado oil, avocados, flaxseeds, chia seeds, eggs, nuts, etc.
  • 8. Go for fresh over processed when you can
  •       -You’ll never hear me tell anyone to eliminate all processed foods, but limiting them is a good idea. Whenever possible choose FRESH.
  • 9. Dump the fad diets
  •      -There is no such thing as BAD FOOD. Food is not good or bad, it’s just food. Thinking we can’t have something just makes us want it more.
  • Remember: Everything in moderation and the 80/20 Rule (healthy choices 80% of the time and 20% for things we don’t normally have).
  • 10. Get good sleep
  •      -This one isn’t about food, but it’s just as important! Getting good sleep is just as important to our health and will aid us when it comes to making healthier choices in the kitchen!

If you’re looking for more in-depth help, send me an email and we can talk about how I help my clients dial in their nutrition specific to their needs.

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