Something to work on

Well, it’s Monday again. I hope you had a fun & restful weekend. Ours started off with a “2 Year Old’s” Star Wars birthday party on Friday night. It was definitely fun. Restful… not so much!

I thought today I’d share something a little personal with you. I’ve been thinking all month and praying for a “Word”. Have you all heard of that? It’s where you pick one word or a phrase to really focus & work on during the year. I’ve been hearing about it for a few years now and I thought this year I’d do it myself.

Just like with my health if I don’t take time to make those goals, set a plan in place, then work to make it happen, I’m really not going to see significant change here. I think it’s the same for every other area of our lives. So with that in mind, I decided to pick something to work on this year.

The word that I kept coming back to was “Intentional”.



performed with


done deliberately,


or on purpose.

This year I’m going to work on being intentional with everything I do and really spend time thinking about my decisions. How I plan my days, how I spend my money, how I’m spending my free time, etc.. I’m very intentional about certain things. For example, how I start my mornings and my health are two that immediately come to mind. But other things, like how I spend my day, well I’ll be honest, sometimes that just seems to happen and then at the end of the day I’m like, what did I accomplish today? How I spend my money is another example. Have you ever gone into to the store for milk and then left with five extra items? Ok, maybe that’s just me??

So, this is something I’m going to do this year. Want to join me? If you do, I’d love to hear what you come up with! Happy Monday my friend!

“When you’re intentional, you can add value to everything you do and every person you meet.”  ~John C. Maxwell

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    January 28, 2019 at 7:38 pm

    Like the thought of focusing on one word. What is my word to work on. Flexible. In body. In mind. In actions and day to day activities. Easy said but hard to do. At least hard with a good attitude. Interruptions will come in life. Some are good interruption, then other time interruption can just be irritating and then there are devastating interruption. I want to be FLEXIBLE. Then I can enjoy the fun interruption and bend with the hard things. Thanks Tab

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