Quarantine Workouts

Happy Hump Day!

Wait, it is Wednesday, right? Or Tuesday? Monday? Oh well…whatever day it is, I hope you all are safe and sound while “Sheltering in Place”.

Joking aside, we need some ideas for keeping active at home! I’ve been posting a few workouts on my Instagram over the last few weeks and thought I’d expand and add some to the blog.

Most of you have kids at home too, so take these and get your kids moving too! The EMOM and Tabata would be good ones for them! You can modify or adjust the reps for their ages and attention span. If you need help with modifications, shoot me an email and I’ll send you some ideas.

For Time:

100 m run
6 burpees
100 m run
6 burpees
100 m run
6 burpees
100 m run
6 burpees

20 Minute EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute)

Minute 1: 30 Jumping Jacks
Minute 2: 18 Goblet Squats
Minute 3: 14 Alternating Lunges
Minute 4: 30 second Wall Sit

Tabata ( 8 rounds-20 seconds work/10 seconds rest)

-Left Side Plank
-Knee Tucks
-Right Side Plank
-Left Side Plank
-Knee tucks
-Right Side Plank
Rest 1 minute, then repeat

-Follow my Instagram for movement demos

Stay home and stay well!

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